Sunday, June 22, 2008

We are in such an amazing season at the moment. Yesterday i went down the river with Curtis who spent a few weeks in SA at Anton and Hazel's last year and was deeply impacted by his trip. As we were floating along a section of waves, he told the kids in the boat to close their eyes and just experience without seeing. I closed my eyes too and just had this amazing sensations my sense of hearing was heightened and the motion of the boat and the temperature of the air and water were more intensely felt. It brought about a new understanding of what this season of our lives is all about right now. When i lose ( or voluntarily give up ) the use of one of my senses, it heightens the others significantly. In our lives right now, not being able to see ahead is heightening other senses, like the ability to hear the unhearable, the quiet whispers of Fathers voice, the ability to feel the wind of the Spirit blowing us in a particular direction, one which words can't really explain. We live by faith, not by sight, faith being confident in that which has not yet been revealed to the senses.

We have not sold our home in Anacortes yet and the split up of our property here in Plain has stalled once more in bureaucratic red tape. Yet as i choose to focus on what God is doing rather than what he is not doing, choose to hear His voice rather than the squalling of circumstances, somehow He lets me into a whole other realm of seeing without eyes and hearing without ears. Maybe this is what Paul writes about in 2 nd Cor 4, fixing our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

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