Tuesday, December 18, 2007

After my contemplation of friendship this morning i should probably send a little news. My hands are almost too frozen to type as i sit out on the stoep (porch) in the fog and the rain posting this. The unseasonable cold weather will run itself out soon i hope as we would all love to have a bit of sunshine. We braved the impending cold front this morning and hiked to bekezela about 1 1/2 miles from where we are. Tim the Champ hiker did great on his longest hike yet and we got home before the rain. We are looking forward to summer finally arriving here, a month late already, so we can get out more. It's as cold here right now as back home, but without the insulated house and nice wood stove. When the sun does come out though it's great.
Bekezela had 4 cattle stolen this week end, the first theft that they have had. So we wonder and pray what that is all about as the Land changes over to Anton and Hazel's kids ownership and management and the status of the place as a kids camp is in question. There's a huge need for people resources to manage the place so that it can continue to be used to minister to and see life change in Kids as it has done in the past. The four properties tha fill this hilltop are all dedicated to ministry to the whole family, but are all deeply in need of Jesus coming to dwell here and unity is the prerequisite for that. I believe that is what He wants to see happen here, so pry with us that the way forward would become clear. Soth africa too as a nation is at a critical crossroads with the enemies agents of chaos, corruption and violence, ever threatening to take over, Pray with us please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andrew and Becky, We are lifting you all up in prayer everyday! We pray for warm weather to arrive so that you may spend more time outside, we pray God's covering over all of you. May you feel the comfort of our Father upon you as you walk through this journey, may you find the clarity you seek, and peace within you from the Holy Spirit that you may recognize your path from the peace in your heart.
Big Congrats to Tim for making it on such a long hike! That is so awesome!
We will continue to pray for each of you daily!

God Bless.

~The Aydelotte's